Friday, October 14, 2011

scattered memories of eXpONEnt


it's simple, i just want you to know that i miss you a lot guys.

our first moments together..
some of us still awkward
some of us trying to blend
some of us frustrated because we hadn't understand each other well
then those moments fade away like nothing had happened

our "building up strengths" moments..
remember when we were frustrated because of that freaking crazy homework?
remember when we were exhausted trying to get hold of our schedule?
remember when some of the teachers were.... you know what i mean

our "this is us" moments..
remember when we laughs?
remember when we smile together?
remember when we made jokes of everything?
remember when we made fun those who look like a couple?
remember when we made fun of each others? yeah not exactly "making fun of"

our moments.. last day of school
for me
that day was
when the bell rang, i didn't feel anything
really, i thought "oh well, we'll see each other like usual even if we're apart"
but then
i thought about those moments
those precious moments
those laughing, smiling, crying moments together
moments of us

tears filled my eyes
i couldn't hold it
i remember i hugged my girlfriends, tight, couldn't let it go
and the tears can't stop

now, stillthinking about those precious moments
i'm still crying
miss all of your smiles
miss our jokes
miss our laugh together
miss our blue jackets together
miss our time together
miss our things

i miss everything that's ours :'D

i will never let you go
i'll stand up with you forever
i'll be there for you through it all
even if saving you sends me to heaven

this is for YOU
this is for US
this is for... eXpONEnt

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

secrets of successful teens


libur telah tiba! libur telah tiba!! hore! hore!! HORE!!!

so, my holiday is in the house yo(?) hahahaha. i'm so happy after some crazy-hectic-lots-of-crying weeks, now i can get out from my busy daily activities and just enjoy reading books that i really want to read since forever.

as you can read by the topic, now i want to review a brilliant individual-development book called:
" Secrets of Successful Teens"

here is the picture of the book
title: secrets of successful teens
author: Adam Khoo & Gary Lee
(for indonesia) translator: Femi Olivia

now, ekhem here is my own simple review.

i just bought this book last Sunday and finished it this morning. i was so eager to finished it because this book is giving me lots of information about how my brain works and can help me get through nice-easy studying without having to study every single hour a day. also, i get to know how "smart people" (that we think comes from other planet) arranging their day, they can study hard while play hard. envious right?

and WOW! i just realize that we can be successful and can reach out everything we want only with a little effort. what is it? yes, PURE INTENTION. every time we're thinking about changing ourselves into a good one, then something on our mind come up: "i think i can't do it 'cause the situation right no" "i'll do it later" "how can i change my self?" "will my plan works?" and the questions go on..

But i'm telling you guys. i'm not kidding and this book isn't kidding either. that, we can changed our self, even changed the world easy-ly only with PURE INTENTION. i'll tell you more through this post.

this book has 11 chapter that telling you to rebuild yourself NOW, not LATER. here is the compositions of the book (because i'm Indonesian, this book is in bahasa. but this book is originally from singapore. i'll give it a translation into english. sorry if there's a mistake):

1) Mengeluarkan Jiwa Pemenang dari Dalam Diri (getting out the winner spirit from ourselves)
2) Kekuatan Dahsyat yang kamu miliki (great power that you have)
3) Jika kamu percaya Kamu Bisa, maka Kamu bisa! (if you believe you can do it, then yes you can!)
4) Haruskah saya mencintai diri sendiri? (is it necessary to love myself?)
5) Sekolah, apakah benar-benar penting? (School, is it really important?)
6) Menguasai pikiran untuk sukses (master your mind to succeed)
7) Berpikir besar dan buat jadi kenyataan! (think big and make it comes true!)
8) teman bisa membentukmu atau merusakmu (friends can build you or destroy you)
9) menjadikan orang tua sebagai partner (make you parents as your partner)
10) rahasia besar meraih nilai A bagian 1 (top secrets of getting score of A part 1)
11) rahasia besar meraih nilai A bagian 2 (top secrets of getting score of A part 2)

what i learned from this book are (well, you can call these "simple way to success")
1) believe in myself. if i believe i could, then yes i can!!
2) do it NOW!
3) when i can get to control of my self, then i can control the world revolves around me
4) dare to dream big
5) dream big + big effort -> success
6) nothing is impossible if you know how to deal with it
7) there are no failure when reaching a success, you can called that as "learning object" to move on reaching out our dream
8) smart people do study! (remember this guys. they are lying if they're asked and answer "i haven't study" before exams)
9) the different in method of smart people and normal people is, smart people study little by little every night constantly while normal people study 1week-1night before exams.
10) have a loving parents that always tell you what to do? you can teach them how to treat you well through treating them well.

so, i think those are the points that i learned. but still, lots of other things that i haven't put up there sorry. my english is still in progress hahaha LOL. i'm doing my best though ^^

i'm giving my two thumbs up or as worth 5 stars out of 5 to this excellent book that gives me lots of inspiration. thanks to my dad who gives me permission to buy it and for the authors who wrote it hahaha.

If you have any questions (anything!) just ask me on the comments part or in the "text me" box. it's my pleasure to answer and be friends with you guys.

thank you! happy reading ^^

Monday, August 15, 2011

Entry dengan sejuta(?) ilmu

Assalamu'alaikum wr. wb. ^^

hahaha posting yang ini isinya ilmu bermanfaat insya Allah. tenang bukan posting galau curhatan hati gue kok *cough* hahaha siiip

Langsung aja ye. Pertama-tama gue mau jelasin perbedaannya browser sama search engine. udah pada tau belom? udah? yaudah tetep baca yak ("^^)v

Nih ya. kalo browser itu, atau biasa kita sebut web browser, adalah suatu program atau software yang kita gunakan buat menjelajah Internet, buat nyari informasi dari suatu halaman web yang tersimpan di dalam komputer.

Nah, kalo search engine itu artinya secara harfiah ya mesin pencari. Jadi search engine itu menyediakan jasa buat kita untuk mencari informasi-informasi yang kita mau dari sebuah halaman web.

Contoh dari web browser
adalah Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, Internet explorer, Safari, Opera, daaaaan lain-lain.

Sedangkan contoh untuk search engine atau mesin pencari yaitu yang sering banget kita pake buat nyari tugas (hahaha) Ada juga, tapi ini gak populer kayaknya. Trus juga bisa, sekali lagi, ini gak populer hehehe

(logo dan



Sekarang gue mau jelasin dikit langkah-langkah mencari informasi dari internet. Udah tau juga nih jangan-jangan? ~___~ yaudah tetep baca yak wajib! hahaha

Pertama, buka website google. Caranya ketik alamat, atau kalo mau yang bahasa indonesia pake alamat

, ketik aja kata kunci di kolom yang disediain. Itu loh, yang pas banget di bawah logo Google yang amat sangat besar. Kalo udah di ketik, klik google search, bahasa indonesianya penelusuran google.

, tunggu aja deh sampe loading page hasil pencarian selesai. Nah, kalo udah selesai kan ada link-link tuuh, klik aja salah satu yang kalian mau. Atau, kalo mau buka di halaman baru (maksudnya biar masih bisa liat page hasil pencarian itu), klik kanan link yang mau di buka, trus pilih open in new tab. Nanti ada tab baru kebuka disamping tab yang itu.

, tunggu (lagi) biar loading page-nya kebuka. Jeng jeeeeeng selesai! ^^ Silahkan dibaca page-nyaaa


ensuite! ahahaha ini bahasa French artinya next atau then (sip ketauan google translate banget huahahaha -___-) Cara nyimpen atau ngambil file dari internet.

File itu banyak banget kan tipenya. ada dokumen, gambar, animasi, lagu, video, dll. Nah, disini gue mau jelasin file dengan tipe animasi.

format file animasi itu ada beberapa:

Short Name Long Name Typical File Extensions Content
ANI Microsoft Windows Animated Cursor .ani Color/Animated Cursor
FLA Macromedia Flash FLA Project File Format .fla Animation
FLC FLC .flc Animation
FLI FLI .fli Animation
GIF Graphics Interchange Format .gif Bitmaps/Animation
MNG Multi-image Network Graphics .mng Bitmaps/Animation
SWF Flash .swf Animation

Nah cara kita nyimpen atau ngambil file-file ini adalah...

Langkah mengambil dan menyimpan file dari internet
Pertama, klik pilihan gambar atau image di halaman awal
Kedua, tulis nama file yang mau kita cari. Contohnya gambar flowers atau bunga. Nah, karena kita maunya gambar animasi, biar lebih spesifik dibelakangnya tambahin tipe file. Contohnya: flowers.gif (gif itu biasanya animasi yang gerak-gerak).
Ketiga, tunggu loading hasil pencarian selesai.
Keempat, kita pilih gambar mana yang mau kita simpen. Kalo gue sih milih yang ini nih di gambar bawah ehem bling-bling gituuu bunga warna ungu-ungu gitu ya? ehehehe (contoh yaa contoh). Klik aja itu gambar.
Kelima, nanti kan keluar tuh page baru. Nah, ada tulisan "gambar ukuran penuh" klik buat liat gambarnya pake ukuran penuh atau asli. tapi kadang, kalo emang ukurannya cuma segitu ya muncul gambarnya gitu lagi hehe.
Keenam, nah! buat nyimpennya nih. klik kanan di gambarnya, trus pilih "savi image as". nanti muncul jendela kecil gitu buat nyimpennya. tulis nama file yang kalian mau di kolom file name. biasanya sih buat file type udah ke-set sendiri karna udah .gif gitu kan filenya.
Ketujuh, klik save deh! ^^ yey kesimpen deeeeeh ^^
sebenernya cara nyimpen semua file itu sama. ada yang harus klik kanan (buat gambar atau animasi). atau kalo lagu, video, rile multimedia lain biasanya klik tulisan download gitu. trus nanti sama, tulis nama file yg kita mau, trus klik save.
gimana? ehehehe semoga bermanfaat ya kawan-kawan!! salam hangat sehangat batre laptop gue yang kelamaan di-charge(?) muach! :*
wassalamu'alaikum. wr. wb


wanna explain a bit about facilities on the internet. enjoy~ ^^


www or usually we called it web, is an Internet facility consisting of vastly distribute database. You can access any information in a form of text, images, audios, films, or multimedia animations through the web.

Blog is a website created and mananged by individual. Normally, it contains of personal properties (personal information), reports of the person's activities, pictures and personal video. Some people usually called it digital diary. We can use many websites such as, wordpress, or to create blog.

Online stores provides you things that you could buy through web. These will help you to buy things easier and faster, instead of go shopping at the mall for examples. The payment is usually with a credit card or by transfering some money to a certain bank account. Your order will be delivered by post or other delivery services.

E-mail (short of electronic mail) is used to communicate or to have direct connection with someone by electronic mail. We cand send or receive electronic message from all over the world, and also chat using the website's chatting (mesanger) facilities. The most popular free email account today are webbased like Yahoo!, Gmail, and MSN.

Mailing list is a facility for cyber discussions by email. The most popular mailing list is Yahoo! Group.
Discussion forum is a place on the internet where you can discuss certain topics with other people online. Try, it is one of famous discussion forum.

The difference between mailing list and discussion forum is the medium. While mailing lists use email, discussion forum is using web.

Thank you ^^

(credit: ICT by yudistira)

Monday, August 08, 2011





uter adalah alat yang dipakai untuk mengolah data menurut prosedur yang telah dirumuskan. Kata computer semula dipergunakan untuk menggambarkan orang yang perkerjaannya melakukan perhitungan aritmatika, dengan atau tanpa alat bantu, tetapi arti kata ini kemudian dipindahkan kepada mesin itu sendiri. Asal mulanya, pengolahan informasi hampir eksklusif berhubungan dengan masalah aritmatika, tetapi komputer modern dipakai untuk banyak tugas yang tidak berhubungan dengan matematika.


Modem berasal dari singkatan MOdulator DEModulator. Modulator merupakan bagian yang mengubah sinyal informasi kedalam sinyal pembawa (carrier) dan siap untuk dikirimkan, sedangkan Demodulator adalah bagian yang memisahkan sinyal informasi (yang berisi data atau pesan) dari sinyal pembawa yang diterima sehingga informasi tersebut dapat diterima dengan baik. Modem merupakan penggabungan kedua-duanya, artinya modem adalah alat komunikasi dua arah. Setiap perangkat komunikasi jarak jauh dua-arah umumnya menggunakan bagian yang disebut "modem", seperti VSAT, Microwave Radio, dan lain sebagainya, namun umumnya istilah modem lebih dikenal sebagai perangkat keras yang sering digunakan untuk komunikasi pada komputer.
Data dari komputer yang berbentuk sinyal digital diberikan kepada modem untuk diubah menjadi sinyal analog. Sinyal analog tersebut dapat dikirimkan melalui beberapa media telekomunikasi seperti telepon dan radio.
Jenis modem ada dua:
- Modem Internal

- Modem External

Unshielded twisted-pair (disingkat UTP) adalah sebuah jenis kabel jaringan yang menggunakan bahan dasar tembaga, yang tidak dilengkapi dengan shield internal. UTP merupakan jenis kabel yang paling umum y
ang sering digunakan di dalam jaringan lokal (LAN)
karena memang harganya yang rendah, fleksibel dan kinerja yang ditunjukkannya relatif bagus. Dalam kabel
UTP, terdapat insulasi satu lapis yang melindungi kabel dari ketegangan fisik atau kerusakan tapi, tidak seperti kabel Shielded Twist
ed-pair (STP), insul
asi tersebut tidak melindungi kabel dari interferensi elektromagnetik.
Kabel UTP memiliki impendansi kira-kira 100 Ohm dan tersedia dalam beberapa kategori yang ditentukan dari kemampuan transmisi data yang dimilikinya.
4. RJ 45
Kabel RJ-45 adalah kabel Ethernet yang biasa digunakan dalamopologi jaringan komputer LAN maupun jaringan komputer tipe lainnya. Konektor RJ-45 ini memiliki konfigurasi dua macam, sesuai dengan perangkat yang ingin dihubungkannya
  • Straight Through Configuration
Kabel jenis ini biasa digunakan untuk menghubungkan perangkat jaringa n dengan tingkat hierarki yang berbeda. Sebagai contoh adalah ke tika kita menghubungkan PC ke jaringan komputer kita di kantor lew at switch. Tipe kabel jenis ini lebih umum digunakan dan relatif lebih mudah dalam penyusunan kabelnya saat memasang konektor RJ-45.

  • Cross Over Configuration
Kabel jenis ini biasa digunakan untuk menghubungka n dua perangkat jaringan dengan hierarki setingkat, sebagai contoh koneksi antara PC to PC, atau PC ke AP Radio, Router to router.

  • Kabel Rollover
Kabel jenis ini biasanya digunakan untuk mengakses router dengan PC/laptop kita. Konfigurasi kabel jenis ini cukup simpel karena kita tinggal membalik urutan kabel yang kita pasang di satu sisi. Misal kita menggunakan standar 568B (standar untuk kabel straight through), maka kita tinggal membalik urutan menjadi coklat un tuk urutan pertama di ujung kabel yang lain.


Kabel sepaksi/sesumbu (bahsa inggris: coaxial cable) adalah sarana penyalur atau pengalirhantar (transmitter) yang bertugas menyalurkan setiap informasi yang telah diubah menjadi sinyal-sinyal listrik. Kabel ini memiliki kemampuan yang besar dalam menyalurkan bidang frekuensi yang lebar, sehingga sanggup mengalirhantar (transmit) kelompok kanal

frekuensi perca kapan atau pr ogram televisi. Kabel sepaksi biasanya digunakan untuk saluran antar-setempat (interlocal) yang berjarak cukup dekat yakni, dengan jarak selebihnya 2.000 km.

Kabel koaksial ditemukan oleh Oliver Heaviside. Merupakan kabel yang terdiri dari dua buah konduktor, yaitu terletak di tengah yang terbuat dari tembaga keras yang dilapisi dengan isolator dan melingkar di luar isolator pertama dan tertutup oleh isolator luar.Kabel koaksial memiliki 3 bagian utama, yakni pelindung luar, pelindung berupa anyaman tembaga, dan isolator plastik.

Wireless adapter digunakan sebagai pengendali periferal yang terpasang tanpa menggunakan kabel. Adapter ini biasanya berbentuk card atau board yang berisi rangkaian elektronika.


Switch jaringan (atau switch untuk singkatnya) adalah sebuah alat jaringan yang melakukan bridging transparan (penghubung segementasi banyak jaringan dengan forwarding berdasarkan alamat MAC).

Switch jaringan dapat digunakan sebagai penghubung komputer atau router pada satu area yang terbatas, switch juga bekerja pada lapisan data link, cara kerja switch hampir sama seperti bridge, tetapi switch memiliki sejumlah port sehingga sering dinamakan multi-port bridge.


Perute atau penghala (bahasa inggris: router) adalah sebuah alat yang mengirimkan paket data melalui sebuah jaringan atau internet menuju tujuannya, melalui sebuah proses yang dikenal sebagai penghalaan. Proses penghalaan terjadi pada lapisan 3 (Lapisan jaringan seperti Internet Protocol) dari protokol tumpukan (stack protocol) tujuh-lapis OSI.


Kartu jaringan (network interface card disingkat NIC atau juga network card) adalah sebuah kartu yang berfungsi sebagai jembatan dari komputer ke sebuah jaringan komputer Jenis NIC yang beredar, terbagi menjadi dua jenis, yakni NIC yang bersifat fisik, dan NIC yang bersifat logis. Contoh NIC yang bersifat fisik adalah NIC Ethernet, Token Ring, dan lainnya; sementara NIC yang bersifat logis adalah loopback ad apter dan Dial-up Adapter. Disebut juga sebagai Network Adapter. Setiap jenis NIC diberi nomor alamat yang disebut sebagai MAC address yang dapat bersifat statis atau dapat diubah oleh pengguna.


semoga bermanfaat ^^

Sunday, February 20, 2011



greetings all! ohoho today is sunday. hmm, have (lots of) homeworks to do -_- yeah yeah yeaaaah *totally lost my mind i guess >_<*

you see this post heading? yep! eXtivals is the name of my class theme for the bazaar event in our school.

i'm in my first year of high school, in X-1, my class name (or we called it) eXpONEnt. the writing style is a bit annoying isn't it? hahaha maybe some people called it "alay", but what can we do? the uppercase of "X" means we're in our first grade, and "ONE" is our class number hehehe.

eXponent is the short of: experience of ten one prudential

the bazaar was so much fun! every class had their own unique theme. mine was festival, x-2 was hollywood theme (they wore celebs face as their mask hahaha cool!), x-3 had a wedding party theme (the girls wore kebaya), x-4 was having their jungle theme (they wore animals mask), x-5 had their soccer theme (everyone was wearing sport's uniform), x-5 decorate their class as a garden cafe (green anywhere), and x-7 had a space theme (they turn off the class light but it wasn't too dark, and they had nintendo wifii for rent >_<).

we didn't decorate our own class, we got XI science 5 so we decorate it on saturday evening. some of the guys even slept over because we were still need a decoration. i didn't help back then because my mom didn't give me permission to go to school in the evening hiks :( sorry girls. i really wish i cold help

when the day of bazaar, the girls from my class colored the guys face, they made it as a clown haha. and the girls draw their face too. but i didn't draw mine hehehe. here, i give you some pictures...

this is when they decorate the class:

it's pretty messy, you can tell from the table --"

this is zahra, she is the girls in charge of our class bazaar hehe thank you so much za ^^

the left one is ratih and beside her is lia. i think they blew the balloons up

and this is when the bazaar. fiuh, i think i have lots to show, so please enjoy ^^

uhmm, sorry i can't tell who are those that wearing the mask, i forgot hehe. they're from x-4 jungle's theme.
among them, that's retna who wear white t-shirt (and a mustache hehe, she pretended to be a magician if i'm not mistaken). besides her is caca. they both who draw the guy's faces hahaha good job girls!

this guys are 4 of the clowns hahaha. from left to right: ucup, fardhan (i think hehe), arif andira, and bayu (you can call him bembie hahaha :p that's what we call him "--V )

==> shitta and caca

==> sarah, intan and retna

--" uhmm, can't tell who's first. fine i'll describe them a bit hehe.
caca who's in the front, intan had cat's mustache draw on her face, lia who wears white hijab (in indonesian, it's called jilbab), retna sat on the chair, heksi is right next to her, ratih beside heksi, and that's lisbeth next to ratih.

because i'm the one who held shitta's camera, i think i didn't get much photos *sigh. oh well, i still got few from the other's camera hehehe.

this is bayu the clown and meiga the pink fairy ^^

the 11th grader also participate in our bazaar hehe, they bought our foods and drinks ^^ yeay!

from left to right:
fathim, novi (she's from x-2 that had hollywood theme. you see the katy perry mask? haha), and abel.

this is ipeh, she loves her sarong. she always bring this thing to school

and this is me in candid mode -___-" yeah right. but i'm still pretty right? hahahaha ^-^

the crowd in our bazaar class. hohoho junior high students ^-^ thank you for visiting our stands!

this is ghani the clown hahaha --V

this is audy with his pose(?) ("-___-)V

from left to right: fardhan, arif andira's foot(?), bayu, retna, and arief who played the guitar.

and this is the outside look of our bazaar class hehehe. see that sign "extival"?

they are from x-3, the wedding party theme. the girls wore kebaya and the guys wore batik. you have to see the inside of their class! it really was like a traditional wedding party of someone hahaha creative..

from left to right: bundo (or khansa. i usually call her bundo hehe), ipeh, shitta (the owner of the camera that i borrowed hehe), and ratih ^^

well that's a LOT of photos i think hahaha. i think that's all for now, EXTIVAL!!
YEAY! thanks for patiently read my blog hehehe.

wassalamualaikum. wr. wb