assalamu'alaikum wr. wb.
i had a trip to japan a month ago hehehe. the first thing i want you to know will be about why am i so happy that i've been there for almost a week. why? because japan is always on my list of countries that i want to visit. the next country that's been on my list too is London. yeah, it will be next ;) amiin...
a week in japan gives me a pretty new point of view. on everything. about culture, language, manners with each other, FOOD, feeling grateful of what God has given to you, and etc.
here's the story. ehem.
i went by night plane with my family. it was a 6-hour trip, so yeah i thought it was pretty sucks. but since i've been through that-6-hour trip, i think it's not really bad.. because most of the time i spent my time in dreamland, trying not to think i'm on plane. the plane departed @ 11pm (or 12am i'm not sure because there was a delayed or something). after 20min or so up in the air, i fell asleep. sometimes i woke up to see how many hours left, then back to my business.
in Japan, the sun rises @ 4.30pm approximately, during late spring. at that time, i've woken up and see the sun risen. the color was stunning. i still remember the orange-ish color of it, with a spark of red. then i remember i fell aslep again for about 1hour -_______-
i woke up and find the stewardess served our breakfast. it was omellete with sausages and something, if i'm not mistaken. there was a yogurt too, and a chunk of bread. i wasn't in the mood for yogurt so i took it with me and put it in my bag.
and there we go. i didn't really checked my watch so i guessed we arrived @ 8am. with stiff body, i stare at the interior of the airport, searching some kind of sign that i'm already in Japan. there, i see kanji writings. but it didn't quite convince me.
Koji-kun, my father's friend, picked us up in the airport. my father was really surprised because he thought we were going to use subway to get to the apartment and i was really relieved because i didn't have to afraid and try to read those kana and kanji in slow motion. anyway, thank you so much for picked us up at the airport that day Koji-kun.
どうもありがとうございました :D
i was really afraid and feeling home sick right away after we got through the immigration. i kept thinking that what am i going to do here with all those unfamiliar letters although aunty lela, my father's friend too, would accompany us in japan. she's an Indonesian but her husband is Japanese.
when i read those kanji, hiragana (which is quite rare), and katakana, i kept thinking about ellyta, ipeh, shitta, fina, those friends that really knows japan better than i do. i'm just a fan of a few animes and mangas people!! not really a fannatic one -_____- i wish they were there with me, having fun together.
So, yeah, i was a bit frustrated on day on.
when we arrived at the apartment, aunty lela had been there waiting for us. that second, when i saw the apartment room, a minimalist room which is really impressive, i knew that i've arrived in japan. i'm in japan.
after tided things up while constantly talking about japan then jakarta then japan then jakarta, we realize we were hungry. awww yeah finally meal time~
we went to a mall near the apartment and ate soba :9 it's really really delicious!! i ordered tempura soba, so did my mother. my father had sakana soba, a soba with fish. i forgot what aunty lela ordered. but what's really delicious among those meal, is rey's food. he ordered a soba, same as the others, and a rice bowl mixed with chicken and rare-cooked-egg. if you're fasting like i do, don't try to imagine the meal. nanti gk afdhal puasanya(?) -_________-
here is the picture
mine and mom's |
father's |
best of all, rey's *_* look at that rice bowl!! |
there! see that orange-thingy covering the chickens and rice? i wish i know how to make it at home. anyone?
i realized that Japanese food portion is larger than Indonesian. everywhere, every restaurants. that ramen i usually eat with my friends, is pretty much children meal -.-v i couldn't stand right away after eating so we sat there for awhile, again, talking.
Aunty Lela どうもありがとうございました XD
i'll tell you about Harajuku, Shibuya, and Shinee's concert venue on the next post.