Thursday, February 16, 2012

anastasia. a girl who survived (part I)

assalamu'alaikum wr. wb...

hahahaha finally, another post guys

so, tonight i'll tell you a story about a girl named anastasia. she was Tsar Nicolas II's daughter. Tsar Nicolas II was once an absolute dictator from Russia. he was so mean. i felt so annoyed when i read Russian's Revolution for my history class.

back to my first topic. what makes this post really absurd for me is, before my teacher told me anastasia story was made into animated movie, i only knew that anastasia is a very good cartoon. i love the soundtracks. since i was a kid. i have the music edition's disc too. although i love it, seems like i guess not many people know about this movie.

i've asked my friends..
do you know anastasia?|what?|anastasia?! a disney movie. don't you know? i really love it. the songs are good too|nope, i guess i don't know about it feb.
so i gave up asking about it -_____-

then my teacher said it yesterday...
anastasia, Tsar Nicolas II's daughter, runaway from the tragedy and alive. you can watch the movie later.
talking to myself: oh! so that cool movie was a real story?? dammit i just figuring it out like this --" whyyy?? i really love this movie, but WHY DIDN'T I KNOW ABOUT THE TRUTH BEHIND??

and today i searched about it. and found out there were so much happening back then. my friend who had searched it too said that she was so pretty, like a doll. well sure, european's old people always look so cute or glamorous in their glorious dresses >.<

anyway, it's already late. oh wait, 9pm. it's not late. but if i post about her life journey, i think i might be frightened. i kinda, have, a, sort of, unusual feeling of scared when i read something mysterious at night. so, i guess i'll save the story for other post hehehe. sorry guys --v

wassalamu'alaikum wr. wb...